What are the central teachings of the Christian Church (DOC)?
From our Statement of Identity “the Christian Church is a community of believers who through baptism into Jesus Christ are bound by covenant to God and to one another. Disciples draw their inspiration from Scripture and the Holy Spirit.” We confess Jesus as the Christ, the son of the living God,” and proclaim his gospel of unconditional love. We practice baptism by immersion and celebrate the Lord’s Supper each time we gather for worship. We claim as our particular witness the pursuit of Christian unity, while stressing freedom and diversity under God; and we seek to serve the whole human family in the interest of peace, justice and compassion.
How do I join the church?
There are no requirements for church membership, except to acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus – no classes are required and you are not expected to profess belief in a formalized creedal statement or set of church doctrines. The only questions asked of a member are:
Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, and receive him as your Lord and Savior?
Do you commit yourself to his Gospel of unconditional love?
If you are interested in church membership, speak to one of the church ministers or church elders. An open invitation is offered during each service of worship.
If I have been baptized in another church, do you recognize my baptism as valid?
Yes. We recognize that churches vary in their practice of baptism. Some baptize infants by sprinkling with water, others baptize by full immersion when a person is old enough to make the decision for him or herself. Our general practice is baptism by immersion, when one reaches an “age of accountability.” However, we recognize baptisms conducted in other churches with practices that differ from our own; all are welcome.
Who can participate in the service of Communion?
Everyone participating in worship is welcome to the communion table. Our Lord is the host, not the ministers or elders. We practice “open communion;” all are welcome.
The Chalice
The chalice symbolizes the central place of communion in worship for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The X-shaped cross of the disciple Andrew is a reminder of the ministry of each person and the importance of evangelism.
What are you worship services like?
The early service (9:00 a.m.) is the smaller of our two Sunday morning services. It is very casual and is a bit shorter than the 11:00 service. The choir does not sing in this service. We sing out of the hymnals, usually with piano accompaniment and sometimes the organ. This service last about 40 minutes. The 11:00 service could be described at "comfortably traditional." That service follows the traditional order of service, but is more relaxed in its approach than what traditional might usually mean. The choir sings in this service and our worship band leads several songs. Everything you need to know in this service is on the screen, including announcements, song lyrics, and other information. This service lasts about an hour.
What should I wear?
Dress comfortably. We want you to feel welcome, and to know we are more interested in you as a person than whether or not you are dressing formally or casually. In our church, you will see people dressed formally and informally, with a bit of everything in between. Come as you are, and you will always be welcomed.
Where do I go when I arrive?
Our primary entrance is on the south side of the facility, which is noticeable because of the portico that extends out from the building. There are three glass doors at that entrance which lead into the main foyer of the church. To the left of the foyer is the nursery, and directly across from the main doors is the entrance to the sanctuary, which is a multi-purpose room.